The First Anglo-Boer War was fought from 16 December 1880 until 23 March 1881 between Britain and the Boers of the Transvaal. The Battle of Laing’s Nek was the first battle.
The British Natal Field Force, commanded by General Colley, comprised of 1 216 officers and men, including five companies of the 58th Regiment, five companies of the 3rd Battalion, the 60th Rifles, 150 cavalrymen of the Mounted Squadron, Royal Navy sailors with two 7-pounder guns, plus Royal Artillerymen with four 9-pounder guns.
The Boers under the command of Commandant General Piet Joubert numbered about 2 000, with another 400 men occupying the heights around Laing’s Nek.
On the morning of 28 January, Colley advanced through the pass, after a preliminary bombardment by the 9- and 7-pounder guns on the Boers on Table Hill.
The 58th Regiment, advanced on Table Hill, while the Mounted Squadron attacked the Boer positions on nearby Brownlow’s Kop. On reaching the summit, the Mounted Squadron was engaged by the Boers from the reverse slope. Suffering many casualties, they withdrew.
When the 58th reached the summit of Table Hill, they were fired on by entrenched Boers, also suffering heavy casualties. Both commanding officers, Major Hingeston and Colonel Deane were killed. The 58th also withdrew.
By noon, the British were forced to surrender.
British casualties were 84 killed, 113 wounded and two captured. The Boers had 14 men killed and 27 wounded.
Laing’s Nek was the last engagement in which a British regiment carried its colours into action. Lieutenant Baillie carrying the 58th Regimental Colour was mortally wounded and Lieutenant Hill who carried the 58th Queen’s Colour won the Victoria Cross. Four officers in succession were shot down carrying the colours of the 58th that day.
During the charge of the Mounted Squadron, Private Doogan was awarded the second VC of this battle for rescuing Major Brownlow whose horse had been killed. Doogan was severely wounded at the time and was wounded again while saving Brownlow.
Source reference: Battle of Laing’s Nek : Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.